What Is Unilevel MLM software ?

Most of the small and big business organization uses Unilevel MLM software to arrange their activities in a proper way. At the frontline numerous members are is achieved by the use of Unilevel MLM Software and we can also prompt the downline customer. For gaining maximum profits business professionals use Level MLM Software.

How Unilevel MLM Software works?
- Unilevel MLM plan helps people to promote up to the Nth level.
- For acquiring the immeasurable bonus, the members are attached by the first level members. And we can increase the width.
- For creating a large network by the support of members added to the downline.
- The growing downline permits the dealer for acquiring financial profits.
- Unilevel involve the format which includes downlines of a specific member in one frontline.

Why we use Unilevel MLM Software?
- To create a convenient and mobile-friendly website.
- To develop organizational penal with different systematic and theoretical records is needed for managing the Unilevel plan.
- The customer can handle the downlines to gain ultimate profits.
- We can attach new joining, see and add profiles in the framework of ancestry, records of level and in the plan of Unilevel.
- We can construct an unlimited width of downlines.
- We can trace all MLM activities and for managing the earnings and for paying a bonus to the downlines.
- For handling the entire transaction of wallet packages and records of the business.
- Accommodate with CRM, inner cart, support center of ticket organization.
- We can easily see and handle every record such as total bonus, purchase, file performer, monthly proceeds, production of the file, details of joining, reports of the task, an issue in the transaction, etc.

Configure the Unilevel MLM Software Setting
- Managing payouts and for customizing the gateway of payments.
- To handle all the members
- Construct the setting of compensation and managing the parameters.
- Arranging the settings such as SMS setting, e-pin, tooltip, sign-up, and currency, etc.
- We provide Multi-Level Marketing Software at very affordable prices with 100%accuracy. Our engineers remain active in providing you 24/7 support to solve your issues.
Basic iSHA MLM Software Features
- Home Page (logo, flash header, short description, achiever list, news)
- Login (separte panel for members)
- About Us (about company with one image)
- Business Plan (business plan with animation)
- Products (tabular detail with image,price,product name)
- Legal (company registration form,PAN card,other legal documents)
- Photo Gallery (achiever photos/event photos)
- Terms and Conditions (term and conditions for members)
- Join now (online joining option for new members)
- Customer support (panel for support shootout)
- Contact us (company address with phone,mobile and email id)
Join Now
- Option for join now via Serial number and ePin
- Email integration (welcome email to new member's email)
- SMS Integration on joining
Repurchasing Module
- Product Management (product list with BV and Price)
- Direct Purchase Report (For Member Only)
- Member Wise Sales Reports (For Admin Only)
- Bonus Reports (Daily, Monthly, yearly)
- Company Sales & Gross Income Reports (Daily, Monthly, Yearly)
Support Center
- Member's Complain
- Complain Status
- Message List From Members
- Generate Support Tickets
- Check Ticket Status
Member Login
- User Home Page (status of user)
- Account detail (member profile)
- Bank modification (change bank a/c with trans.pwd)
- Transaction password (change Transaction password)
- Leg Status (leg status/direct member legs)
- Direct joining (list of direct members)
- Search Id (search member in downline)
- Current Payout (current tentitive payout before closing)
- Statement (printable payout statement)
- ePin Request* (request for purchasing epin)
- eWallet* (purchase epin from member's balance)
- Welcome Letter (formatted welcome letter)
- Modify detail (change basic detail using transaction password)
- Change password (change login password)
- Binary Tree (show tree structure)
- Genealogy Tree (direct to direct tree structure)
- Downline (tabular list of member downlines)
- Active Members (list of members who introduced members)
- Closing Payout (payout credited in member account after closing)
- TDS Report (tds deduction list as per govt. rules)
- Request status (panding/approved epin request list)
- eWallet status (balance status of ewallet)
- Check ePin (check status of epin)
- Logout (logout from current member)
SMS Panel
- Joining SMS (sms on joining: *purchase Web SMS Package editional)
- Date wise SMS (joining date filter sms)
- ID wise SMS (ID filter sms)
- Payout SMS (send sms on every payout)
- Promotion SMS (sms on achievement)
Administrator Panel
- Member profile (edit member profile)
- Password setting (change member's passwords)
- Joining status (day wise joining count)
- Report export (excel,word,pwd,csv)
- Payout Closing (daily/weekly/monthly as per your plan)
- Issue Cheque (cheque no to specifi payout)
- Payout Statement (closing wise statement)
- TDS Report (tds deduction of member)
- Idwise payout Status (Payment status of Member Id)
- Downline List (memberid's downline)
- Member Upline (find upline list of any member)
- Genealogy (Genealogy tree of memberid)
- eWallet Status (balance status)
- Search Members (find upline list of any member)
- Check member status (achievement, joining, downline)
- Promotion List (promotion wise member list)
- Joining Report (daywise,citywise,downlinewise)
- Show Closing (datewise payout closing list)
- NEFT System (mark payout as net banking)
- PAN NO Report (memberlist with/without PAN Card)
- Direct members (list of member's via sponsor id)
- Binary Tree (Binary tree with mouseover detail)
- Promotion List (Promotion list )
- Level wise Report (Level1, level2)
- Genealogy (Genealogy tree of member id)
- ePin Request (change status of request)
E-Pin Panel + E-Wallet
- Generate ePin (product wise epin generation)
- Show epin (list of all epin product wise)
- ePin status (available/used/block)
- ePin summery (datewise/productwise ePin summary)
- ePin issue (issue epin to members)
- Blocking ePin (block unsed epin)
- Find epin (find by serial no./epin code)
- eWallet Controlling (Functions related to eWallet)